Wednesday, June 9, 2010

End of a Beginning

Or is it a Beginning towards (happy) End?  Or is it both of them? Oh, I’m not certain.


These days, when I think of my (future) life after marriage, I don’t know whether it’s going to be the end of my always-be-happy, individual & don’t-care-anything bachelorhood that begun a long back or it’s going to be the beginning of a new life with caring, loving, and sharing which are indispensable in life towards the happy end.


I’m not sure whether every guy may feel the same before his/her marriage.  But one thing is for sure.  Right now, I’m not the only one on this earth feeling the same.  I’ve company.


Seems to be more philosophical, right? I know it doesn’t suit me well… But I just thought of penning down what’s in my mind.

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