Friday, June 18, 2010

Deadly combination!!

“Beautiful” I thought when I saw a pretty gal is walking towards me. 

Nice face, Blue jeans, Black Tee and to top all these, transparent glasses… completely my favorite combination

Can’t turn my eyes away, but for some reasons, my looks took a downward direction around 60ยบ from horizontal axis

“What’s this?” is my instant reaction, and

“Watch it!” reaction is followed


I like gals… it’s OK,

Pretty gals? I love them anyway!


But DOGS? I hate them, yaar… there r hazar no. of NOT OKs in this subject!


Here, a big bully DOG is leading her…

Awesome creation with an awkward creature… deadly combination, literally!!


It’s like asking me to watch a bubble gum saas-bahu daily soap in some bakwas channel and write an exam on it when a live cricket match is going on in the next channel where SACHIN is playing at his blazing best!!


Not giving a second thought, with a small pain at heart, took a left turn before those two creatures come close. 

Just wondered whether God’s office is having a suggestion box; if something like that really exists, definitely, I would like to drop one about permanently shifting these creatures to planet Mars or not allowing them to roam with pretty creatures!!! God, do u hear me?




Wednesday, June 9, 2010

End of a Beginning

Or is it a Beginning towards (happy) End?  Or is it both of them? Oh, I’m not certain.


These days, when I think of my (future) life after marriage, I don’t know whether it’s going to be the end of my always-be-happy, individual & don’t-care-anything bachelorhood that begun a long back or it’s going to be the beginning of a new life with caring, loving, and sharing which are indispensable in life towards the happy end.


I’m not sure whether every guy may feel the same before his/her marriage.  But one thing is for sure.  Right now, I’m not the only one on this earth feeling the same.  I’ve company.


Seems to be more philosophical, right? I know it doesn’t suit me well… But I just thought of penning down what’s in my mind.